Downloads / Media library

Our media library offers a wealth of information for healthcare professionals on draining pleural effusions and ascites. Here you will find videos and brochures about ewimed as a medical technology company, our catheters and drainage systems, and our service.

Downloads / Media library

Our media library offers a wealth of information for healthcare professionals on draining pleural effusions and ascites. Here you will find videos and brochures about ewimed as a medical technology company, our catheters and drainage systems, and our service.


The ewimed supply concept


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My catheter


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drainova® ArgentiC | Catheter with micro silver


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The ewimed Pneu-Pack series: Interview with Dr. med.


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PleurX™ catheter implantation and follow-up care


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PleurX™ catheter valve and drainage functions


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Do you have a patient in your practice with implanted drainova® or PleurX™ catheters?
In this brochure you will find all the important information about this form of therapy, the ewimed care concept and where you as a GP are involved in it.

Information for the family doctor

Vorschaubild Broschüre Leberzirrhose

Are you or a relative suffering from pleural effusion or ascites due to liver cirrhosis?
In this brochure you will find everything you need to know about symptom relief with an indwelling catheter and how the unique ewimed care concept can provide you with optimal care at home.

Information brochure liver cirrhosis

Informationsblatt für Patienten

Patients with implanted, permanently positioned catheters can find information about our products and the care concept here.

Information sheet for patients

Advantages and product as well as ordering information about our drainage systems.

Brochure ewimed drainage systems

Imagebroschüre ewimed

With our image brochure we would like to introduce the company ewimed and discuss our services, goals and culture in more detail.

Image brochure ewimed

The report provides an overall view of the current status in the field of pleural effusion and ascites .

ewimed Report 2023

ewimed Report 2022

This brochure demonstrates the recommended treatment pathway for the drainova® ArgentiC Catheter, drainova® Catheter and PleurX™ Catheter.

Treatment pathway

Benefits, product information and much more about the drainova® reservoir soft vacuum technology.

Flyer drainova® reservoir, drainage set

Product brochure with all relevant information of the Safe-T-Centesis™ Catheter Drainage System.

Safe-T-Centesis™ Brochure

Advantages, product information and more about the ewimed Pneu-Pack I.

Flyer ewimed Pneu-Pack I

1266 drainova ArgentiC

The tunneled catheter with micro-silver

Brochure drainova® ArgentiC

Information on avoiding misconnections with our drainova® & PleurX™ safety valve in accordance with DIN EN ISO 80369-1.

Safety solutions for connectors

1266 drainova ArgentiC

Survey result drainova® ArgentiC catheter sets
(Analysis of survey n = 100 implanting clinics)

Evaluation ArgentiC questionnaire