Flushing the catheter

Depending on the viscocity of the pleural effusion or ascites and the catheter dwell time, flushing the catheter could become necessary to avoid clotting and ensure smooth, problem-free draining. Irrigation is performed by you as the clinician under sterile conditions.

Flushing the catheter

Depending on the viscocity of the pleural effusion or ascites and the catheter dwell time, flushing the catheter could become necessary to avoid clotting and ensure smooth, problem-free draining. Irrigation is performed by you as the clinician under sterile conditions.

Information about flushing the catheter

In case a normal effusion drainage is impossible;

Required materials

How to change the dressing

Drawing Connect PleurX Irrigation Tube with 3-way tap

1 | Connect the 3-way stopcock to the PleurX™ irrigation tube and deaerate using a syringe filled with NaCl 0.9 %.

Drawing Loosen the protective cap

2 | Loosen protective cap by turning, remove and dispose of.

Drawing disinfect safety valve

3 | Disinfect the safety valve.

Drawing Connect irrigation tube

4 | Connect the rinsing hose to the safety valve and rinse with NaCl 0.9 %. Volume of irrigation tube up to the 1st drainage hole of the catheter approx. 7 ml. After that, perform drainage.

Drawing Disconnect systems

5 | Disconnect all connected systems again.

Drawing disinfect safety valve

6 | Disinfect the safety valve.

Drawing Attach protective cap

7 | Attach new protective cap.

Icon Question Exclamation Orange Inverted

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